Friday, February 4, 2011

How to Create Your Own Recipes

The best part about cooking is creating your own recipes. Throwing items together and realizing, "Wow that tastes amazing!" is the most rewarding feeling ever. But what if you don't know what flavors go together, much less really even know how to cook? Easy. Just cook! Start out with easy to follow recipes. Learn the basics of cooking, and soon enough you'll see patterns among recipes and find out which combinations of spices, meats, and vegetables taste well together.

How I create my recipes is through the inspiration of others. When I have an idea for a recipe, the first place I go is Google. I begin searching different aspects of the recipe and pick the best ingredients and techniques from several different recipes. Like today, I was inspired to create an Apple Coconut Curry Chicken (Looked around the house and saw I had a few apples, rice and chicken and thought what the heck lets give it a go!) I've begun my search for coconut curry recipes, how to cook apples, ect. Now I believe I've got my perfect recipe, which I will post tomorrow along with pictures and easy to follow instructions (:

For you beginner cooks, get in that kitchen and cook! Bake some chicken, steam vegetables, boil water, and get those creative juices flowing.

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