Monday, February 14, 2011

Power Food of the Week: Avocados (Week 2)

With the Superbowl just one week ago, I'm sure many of you enjoyed the taste of avocados in a hearty guacamole. I'm here today to tell you all the wonderful things about avocados and some healthier ways to enjoy them.
Health benefits: Fat. That's right fat. Avocados are filled with great, essential fats for your body. They contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are the good types of fats for your body. (Opposed to the bad fats which are saturated and trans fats)  They can help lower cholesterol, and reduce your risk for heart disease. Avocados are also a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3's help improve cellular function of brain cells, especially with communication with other brain cells. Avocados also naturally contain 6 essential vitamins including Vitamin C, E, and K, riboflavin, folate and niacin. There are many more benefits because of the many nutrients and vitamins involved in avocado, these are just a few to get your avocado cravings flowing.

How to incorporate avocados into your diet: Cut one in half, pull out the seed, and eat it straight, this is the best way to eat an avocado. Cut up a few slices and throw them into a salad, sandwich or wrap to add a unique texture. If you are having a southwestern chicken for dinner, avocado would be a great garnish. Avocados are an easily prepared additive to any meal.

Have a Happy Monday, and show some love to your heart this Valentine's Day with a little avocado!

Avocados are so cool they even have their own website, click here! And remember to buy organic whenever possible.

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